Ft. Bragg, California photographed for California Sunday Magazine's Aaron Bassler story.

CA Sunday Magazine / The Man in the Woods


It was a tremendous honor to photograph Amy Power's challenging California Sunday Magazine story on Aaron Bassler, mental illness legislation, and a manhunt in the redwoods near Fort Bragg, CA. Photo ... [+]

It was a tremendous honor to photograph Amy Power’s challenging California Sunday Magazine story on Aaron Bassler, mental illness legislation, and a manhunt in the redwoods near Fort Bragg, CA. Photo Editor Jacqueline Bates suggested I spend a few days photographing members of the community and artifacts from the crime, as well as the town itself.

After the lumber industry faded the town was in an economic lull. The marijuana, fishing, and tourism industries were all vying for what the future of Fort Bragg’s economy and character would be. The town has some really unique architecture and Victorian houses. I loved the long wooden halls of the old social clubs where people gather there to play bingo and share meals.

I was thrilled to to work on a project with significant substance. It was such a sensitive topic and Ashley Powers treated everyone involved, the police, Aaron’s family, and the family of victims, with a critical empathy.[-]

Ft. Bragg, California photographed for California Sunday Magazine's Aaron Bassler story.